Saturday, March 27, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt Starts Today!

Easter is here! That means that if you log on to pandanda today you can find eggs and enter them in for great prizes! First, when you log in you will see how many eggs you have on the top right corner:To get eggs, you have to wait for them to pop up out of nowhere, it's just like collecting tickets when Zing comes into town! Remember though, this take some time to be very patient. Here's what an egg looks like when it pops up:

Collect the amount of eggs to get prizes ( amounts coming later in post) Once you get an egg, go to West Market Street and talk to the Easter Bunny! Yup, i said Easter Bunny!

When you click the Easter Bunny, you can see the prizes you can get and the amount of eggs you need to collect! Heres a preview of some of the items you can get:

Here's a list of the amount of eggs if you can not see

. Super Bunny Potion: 2 eggs

. Dragon Egg: 100 eggs

. Clothes Items: 50 eggs

Got it? Well, if you have all been wondering what the new potion does, it makes you a BIG bunny! The Pandanda team must of had that idea from a recent glitch where you could be a nig bunny! I'm off to go get some eggs now!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt Starts THIS Saturday!

Hey everyone!

Henry has some exciting news for everybody! You can probaly tell by the title of this post, here's what Henry said!

Henrys Post

Hello My Eggcellent Panda Friends,

I'm so excited to announce that the annual Easter Egg Hunt Eggstravaganza begins this Saturday, March 27th. The Easter Bunny has been very, very busy hiding eggs around Pandanda Land and starting this Saturday you can begin to hunt for them! Finding the eggs is fun, but what is even more fun is trading them for the Easter Bunny's super cool prizes.

I can't wait!

This is totallty awesome! Especcialy with prizes from the easter bunny! If you havn't noticed the bloggers of all 3 Pandandagang, Pandandacheats, Pandandanews have all posted an EXCLUSIVE spolier of some items goign to be held by the easter bunny!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Free Dragons Cheats!

Hey Pandas!

A new cheat has been found by BetaOmer from PandandaNews! You can get a dragon with out having to use even ONE coin! By saying that, well it's totally free! Lets get started!

1) Go to west market street and go into the pet store, once there click "Buy Pets"

2) Once you click Izzy buy the pet you want put a name for it then click "Submit" quickly when it loads REFRESH the page!
Now login back to Pandanda, to your tree house and check if your dragon is there! If it is then congratulations hope this cheat works for you!

(((Update: Izzy Gone!?!?)))Remember the Free dragon Cheat!? Well if you havn't checked out the pet shop Izzy is gone! The Pandanda team is probaly fixing the glitch since it's been getting around, take a look:

Well this is weird. I hope they don't fix this cheat maybe it's just ANOTHER glitch. Well go check out the pet shop now and drop a comment below!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Catolog!

Hey Pandas!

The spring catolog is here! Better get some clothes from theis catolog cause its hot now!! I am just going to show the front page i don't want to spoil it for you, so heres what it looks like!

Pretty cool cover right!? I like it! Some of the stuff inside the catolog are on the front cover so you can see some stuff inside it. I'm going to get some clothes.... If i ever get some coins heh.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patricks Day Item!

Hey everybody! Well as you know today is St. Patricks Day! In Pandanda this is big cause theres a free item for everyone who logs in today. When you log in the item should look like this:

Get your hat and try it on! Here's what it looks like on your panda!

Awesome! I really like this item, better where green or you might be pinched hehe.... Seriously though my dad pinched me already, lol. Hope your liking the awesome new prize!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Clothing Coming This Thursday!!

Hey guys! Fitch has added a new event in the calendar about clothing coming THIS thursday! I can't wait because its going to be St. Patricks themed!! Green is one of my favorite colors so thats also why i love green. Heres a pic to show you what the event looks likeCan't wait! Also on the 17th there will be the St. Patricks party! woohoo double fun! The gift on the side represents a gift for us if you log on that day! I hope your excited because i smell an awesome item coming!
