Sunday, March 21, 2010

Free Dragons Cheats!

Hey Pandas!

A new cheat has been found by BetaOmer from PandandaNews! You can get a dragon with out having to use even ONE coin! By saying that, well it's totally free! Lets get started!

1) Go to west market street and go into the pet store, once there click "Buy Pets"

2) Once you click Izzy buy the pet you want put a name for it then click "Submit" quickly when it loads REFRESH the page!
Now login back to Pandanda, to your tree house and check if your dragon is there! If it is then congratulations hope this cheat works for you!

(((Update: Izzy Gone!?!?)))Remember the Free dragon Cheat!? Well if you havn't checked out the pet shop Izzy is gone! The Pandanda team is probaly fixing the glitch since it's been getting around, take a look:

Well this is weird. I hope they don't fix this cheat maybe it's just ANOTHER glitch. Well go check out the pet shop now and drop a comment below!



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