Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pandanda Calendar!

Hey pandas!

The calendar has come out and you can now keep track of days! Everyone is going to like this feature because you can now scedule your own partys! More then just partys theres lots more you can do with it! If you want to get to the calendar go to the toolbar and the symbol should look like the picture below:

When you click it this is where you can do everything that i have told you so far! Try it just click a box and choose what you want to do! When you click the symbol the calendar should look like this:

Now if you dont know what it looks like to scedule an event and are to lazy to go on Pandanda and check. Then i took a picture for you all, heres what it looks like:

What events can you scedule? You can do

>Hang Out


>Party/Dance Party

>Fashion Show

>Pet Show

>B-Day Party

>Club Meeting

>Ice Cream Meat

>Play A Game

This is so cool! And from reading the calendar lots of stuff are coming up for pandanda! I just can't wait now! Since the calendar spoils things for us ( Which i like) i get so excited! Comment and tell me what you think!



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